Classical musician (composition, violin, lyrical singing), begins his path in Early Music with recorder and vielle. He soon felt attracted by Chinese culture, graduating in East Asian Studies and then moving his residence to China, where he combined research and language studies with the study of the country's traditional music in the workshops of the University of Beijing, in the specialties of erhu 二胡 (Chinese violin), dizi 笛子 and xiao 箫 (Chinese flutes). In recent years he has been awarded a scholarship to participate in several editions of Traditional Chinese Music Courses at the Shanghai Conservatory, where he has the opportunity to receive classes from great masters such as Cheng Haihua 成海华, Wang Yongde 王永德 or Zhang Yongming 詹永明 among others. In the II and III Early Music Festival of Granada MAG he was in charge of developing the theme of the Festival, co-directing and interpreting the program Musafir, Medieval Travelers, in addition to conceiving and developing The Emperor's Harpsichord. He currently combines his musical activity in and
with his research work as Senior Scientist (Científico Titular) at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).